Military: Radiological Science Students of Midwestern State University

Program Purpose

To provide a waiver of nonresident tuition to a non-Texan member of the U.S. Armed Forces or Commissioned Officers of the Public Health Service while he or she completes a Bachelor's or Master's Degree in Radiological Science from MSU.

NOTE: This webpage is intended to provide basic information for the public by highlighting requirements that appear in the Texas Education Code (TEC) and Texas Administrative Code (TAC). When reviewing eligibility requirements this exemption program, you should always refer to the relevant statutes and rules. The information on this webpage is to be used solely as a resource and does not override the statute or rules for this exemption program. It is not intended as, and does not constitute, legal advice.

Eligibility Requirements

Individuals who are members of the U.S. Armed Forces or Commissioned Officers of the Public Health Service from states OTHER THAN Texas, who begin their studies in Radiological Sciences from MSU while stationed in Texas and are continuing studies via telecommunications while stationed outside the state.

Eligible Institutions

Limited to Midwestern State University.

Award Amount

This program permits nonresident students to pay tuition and fees at the resident rate.

Application Process

The Office of the Registrar at each college or university normally processes waivers. If they do not process waivers, they should be able to refer you to the proper office on campus.

Additional Information

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