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Scholarship Eligibility


The following guidelines are based on Texas Government Code Chapter 573, Subchapter B.

In general, a person is not eligible for a scholarship awarded by an institution if the person is related to a current member of the governing board of the institution or system (i.e., "Regent") administering or originating the scholarship unless the scholarship is: 

  • granted by a private organization or third party not affiliated with the institution of higher education or university system;
  • awarded exclusively on the basis of prior academic merit;
  • an athletic scholarship; or
  • awarded to a relative OUTSIDE both the third degree of consanguinity and the second degree of affinity. SEE BELOW.

Students must submit a Consanguinity or Affinity Statement to the awarding institution to receive applicable scholarship.

Consanguinity: A person is NOT eligible for a scholarship awarded by an institution if the person is related within the third degree of consanguinity to a current member of the governing board of the institution or system (i.e., "Regent") administering or originating the scholarship.

You are NOT eligible to receive a scholarship if you are a "Regent's":

  • parent, daughter, son;
  • brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild; or
  • great-grandparent, great-grandchild, uncle or aunt (brother or sister of parent) nephew or niece (son or daughter of brother or sister)

Note: For purposes of consanguinity relationships: An adopted child is considered to be a child of the adoptive parent.

Affinity: A person is NOT eligible for a scholarship awarded by an institution if the person is related within the second degree of affinity to a current member of the governing board of the institution or system (i.e., "Regent") administering or originating the scholarship.

You are NOT eligible for a scholarship if you are a "Regent's":

  • spouse, spouse's child, spouse's parent, child's spouse, parent's spouse; or
  • spouse's brother or sister, spouse's grandparent, spouse's grandchild, brother or sister's spouse, grandparent's spouse, or grandchild's spouse
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