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Planeando: para padres

Informarse es el primer paso en el planeamiento de la educación universitaria de su hijo(a). El saber qué preparación necesita su hijo(a) será de vital importancia para usted. Comenzando ahora, cerciórese que su hijo(a) está preparado para la universidad, Aquí listamos unas cuantas cosas importantes de saber:

College Locator

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Net Price Calculator (NPC)

Clicking this link will reroute you to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board’s website to access a listing of institutions that have a Net Price Calculator available.

Our system is compatible with the following internet browsers: Edge, Google Chrome, and Safari.

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Still have questions?

We're here to help guide you through the financial aid process. Give us a call at 1-888-311-8881.

Copyright © 2024 Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. All Rights Reserved


Apply Texas

I am ready to start my college journey, now what? ApplyTexas is a one-stop shop for applying to a public university or community college in Texas. Start now at Help us understand how applicants can be better supported throughout the application process by taking this survey. You can find information about funding your education here: College for All Texans Funding Your Education.